Buying a luxury handbag is always quite an experience. There are a few things you should keep in mind when buying a luxury handbag to make sure you’re getting the best possible deal. Luxury handbags can be very expensive. So you’d want to make sure that you’re buying the one that you really want.
That’s why it’s so important to check the reviews of the bag you’re considering before dropping the cash on it! In this post, we’re going to be doing a complete rundown on the Louis Vuitton Alma BB Monogram Canvas Handbag. We’ll go over the features, pros, and cons and give you our honest opinion on whether this bag is worth the price tag!
Louis Vuitton Alma BB Monogram Canvas Handbag Review
Below are some of the main things you need to consider when buying the Louis Vuitton Alma BB Monogram Canvas Handbag.
The History:
The Alma BB was first introduced in 1934. It was created as a smaller version of the original Alma handbag. The name Alma comes from the Latin word for soul, which is fitting because this bag is truly a timeless piece that seems like it has a soul. Keeping the design alive through the decades. The Alma BB quickly became a popular choice for evening wear. Celebrities and socialites alike loved its sophisticated and stylish look.
Rumor has it that Louis Vuitton made this bag, especially for Miss Coco Chanel it’s become one of the most popular bags the brand has ever come out with!
So if you were thinking about investing in something that would actually be timeless, this is the perfect bag to go for, but that’s not the only great thing about it! There’s a lot more too!
The Design:
The Alma BB has a very sleek and sophisticated design. It’s a shape that you don’t really see anywhere in the world. The rounded top is very specific to this particular bag, and it makes for an immediate attention grabber. There are two sturdy straps on top, but the long removable strap allows you to also wear it as a crossbody too! The bag measures L 25 x H 17 x W 9.5 cm, so it’s the perfect size to use as a carry bag or one that’s hanging off of your shoulder!
The best part about the Alma BB is how versatile it actually is. Because of its shape, you can literally wear it with anything. It goes perfectly with a nice pair of jeans and a t-shirt, or you could even dress it up with a pretty dress! The Alma BB is also the perfect size to use as an everyday bag. You can fit all of your essentials inside without it being too bulky. This isn’t the type of bag you will have to squeeze your belongings into, it’s one that can easily hold your phone, wallet, essential makeup, and some extra nicknacks without a problem! So whether you’re looking for a bag that’s reliable for everyday use or want something for a special night out, the Alma BB could be the go-to.
Material and Construction:
The Alma BB is made out of high-quality monogram canvas with natural cowhide leather trim. The hardware is made of gold-tone metal, and it has a double zip closure. What takes the build quality one step further is the gold feet on the bottom. This helps protect the bag when you set it down, so you don’t have to worry about the bottom getting dirty or ruined. The stitching is also very well done, and it’s one of the things that helps make Louis Vuitton bags so special. You can tell a lot of care went into making this bag when you held it in your hands! The leather is treated, which just makes it last a lot longer than an average LV bag. This just means that even if you do use it as an everyday bag, it’ll last you a really long time!
The Price:
The only thing we could find that some people might not like is the price tag. Used Louis Vuitton Alma BB Handbag retails for £600, which isn’t exactly cheap. But when you think about how long this bag will last you and how often you’ll be able to use it, we think it’s definitely worth it! But that doesn’t mean that you have to go that route. You can even find pre-owned Alma BB bags for a fraction of the price if you really want to save some money. Trusted platforms like SehaBags are great for finding the bag for a lot less than the original price without having to sacrifice any of the experience!
The Bottom Line:
The Alma BB is a great bag for anyone looking for something timeless, sophisticated, and versatile. It’s perfect for everyday use or even dressing up for a night out. The high-quality materials and construction make it worth the price tag, and you’ll be able to use it for many years to come! Splurge on it brand new, or get it for a fraction of the price with SehaBags, either way, you’ll have a great bag that would last you a lifetime!